
Join The Hubbell Society Museum and Library

We’d love to welcome you to the Family! It’s just $20/year. Here are some of the benefits you will enjoy.

  • Two semi-annual newsletters, Family Notes and The Annual, our yearly journal of new genealogical material; a queries column articles of history and biography; and a membership list.
  • Numerous Hubbell books available for purchase, such as “History and Genealogy of the Hubbell Family” published in 1980 and reprinted in 1986 and others currently under way. (See HSML Store)
  • Genealogical help from our family genealogist, Hilbert Hubble.
  • Eligibility for the Hubbell Family Scholarship Fund for qualified members’ children.
  • Mugs, caps, plates and numerous items bearing the family seal available for purchase.
  • Don’t forget the most fun of all — the biennial HSML reunions where you will meet your cousins!

Join by registering at

Renew your Membership by credit/debit card online at 

For online registration instructions HOLMS Registration Procedure

Address questions about Society Membership to

To Join or Renew by Check:

To receive a packet filled with information and a genealogical form to fill in and return to us, send your postal address directly to the Society Membership. You may also download and print the forms below:

Membership Dues Form

Also fill out the Genealogical Data Sheet to aid the Genealogy Committee in identifying and updating
Hubbell / Hubble / Hubbel / Hubel / Huble family lines.

HSM&L Membership Annual Dues, Hubbell Family Foundation, Hubbell Museum & Library and Hubbell Family Scholarship Fund contributions are tax deductible, being IRS-approved 501(c)(3) activities. 

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