Archive for July, 2011

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The “HUBBELL Connection” Rubi-Lopez site »

For those of you who were fortunate enough to attend the Albequerque, New Mexico reunion and visit the Hubbell Trading Post in Ganado, Arizona you will find the information on Linda Rubi Crumm’s Rubi-Lopez Family GenealogyPage interesting reading. Linda has included a page explaining the Hubbell-Rubi connection and she refers to the book about John “Juan” Lorenzo Hubbell by […]

Location of 2013 Biennial Reunion Announced »

THFHS president Peter Hansen has announced that Des Moines, Iowa, where Hubbell Center is located, will be the site of the 2013 biennial reunion. The off-year 2012 board of directors’ meeting will be held there as well when THFHS leaders will cover topics of Society business as well as status of the planning for the […]

Hubbell – “Born On The Fourth of July” »

Genealogist Hilbert Hubble has identified nineteen Hubbell/Hubbles who were born on the Fourth of July as far back as 1804 and as recently as 1987. Consider how that particular fact of history affected their lives, and in recent times how they celebrated their joint events.  Were these Hubbells more aware than others of the history their […]

CHP Seeks Descendants – 2292 Clarence Gano HUBBELL »

California Highway Patrol Officer Paul Benton recently contacted us through this site requesting our assistance.  He is doing research to “locate family members of Jarvis S. “Ted” DAVIS b 1895.  Davis was a CHP Officer who died in the line of duty on March 11, 1933, in a traffic accident while responding to assist the victims of the 1933 Long […]

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