Archive for December, 2017

Two Genealogical Societies Merge »

December 30, 2017 Contact: Marjorie Hlava; President; Hubbell Society Museum and Library; 500 SW 7th St #307, Des Moines, IA 50309 The merger of the Hubbell Family Historical Society (THFHS) and the Hubbell Museum and Library (HML – formerly Hubbell Center) is complete!  The new organization is the Hubbell Society, Museum and Library (HSML) […]

Notice of the Additions and Corrections CD »

The Additions and Corrections CD for The Millennium Edition – 2016 Genealogy and History of the Hubbell Family – In Two Volumes is NEARLY COMPLETE. It will contain about 80 additional photos and the index in searchable digital form and of course lots of changes and updates. All of the corrections and additions must be […]

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