President’s Reunion Report

Outgoing president Hilbert Hubble describes another successful Hubbell family reunion. He writes,

“The 15th reunion of THFHS was held at Salt Lake City June 2011. Over 60 family members joined together to celebrate our growing family. The hotel was within yards of the the largest genealogy library in the world and many family members took advantage of the opportunity.  The Society donated two books to the library, a military history and “Hubbell by Choice”. Next door was Temple Square with the world renowned Tabernacle and gardens.  Words cannot fully express the beauty of Salt Lake City and its surroundings;  the flowers along are worth a visit. The group visited the largest open pit mine in the world, the great Salt Lake and a restored pioneer village. It was wonderful to renew friendships and enjoy the fellowship of the family.  As parting president, I see a bright and productive future for the society. See you at Des Moines in 2013″

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