Category: Uncategorized

Map of Fairfield Long Lots-1758 »

Map produced by the Fairfield Tercentenary Map Committee in 1935.  The original Long Lots were distributed to the Fairfield proprietors in 1670.  The Long Lot information is incorporated onto a more recent map of Fairfield and not as it would have looked in 1670 or 1758.  Original map is at the Fairfield History Center. click […]

Royce’s List of Burials in Old Stratfield (Pequannock) Burying Ground »

Copied in 1800 by Rev. Stephen Royce from an old diary of Matthew Sherman and from old church records, this list covers the period from the first burial in 1639 to the year 1799. This list is of particular importance because it expands considerably the list published by Rev. Samuel Orcutt in his “History of […]

New 2022 SNP Data Table »

Below is the new 2022 SNP testing results layered on the Hubbell Family Tree.  For an explanation of the data see the Y-DNA Surname Project Report located under the DNA tab on the home page.

Unidentified Hubble in Dutches and Ulster County NY militia-1777 »

This document courtesy of the Senate House Archives in Kingston, Ulster county NY is a list of members of Captain Benjamin Kortright’s militia company under the command of Colonial Morris Graham dated Sept 1777. This is possibly Dennis Hubbell (ME#121) of Connecticut however identification is uncertain.

Court Documents from the State Library in Hartford, CT »

A recent visit to Hartford and the State Library reveled numerous Fairfield county and superior court documents referencing Connecticut Hubbells from the early and middle 1700s.  See the “Publications / Genealogy Research Sources and Information / Connecticut” tab for a sampling of documents.  Below are pictures of a typical bundle of documents held together with […]

The Hubbell Family’s Y-DNA Results-New Report »

New information from the Family’s Y-DNA suggests our origins are not Scandinavian (Viking) but Spanish and French.  Read the report located under the DNA / Y-DNA Surname Project tab

Hubbell in the Olympics »

2018 is starting off with the exciting winter Olympics hosted by Pyeongchang!  What does this have to do with us you may ask…well there is a Hubbell competing for th USA!  Madison Hubbell will be figure skating with her partner Zach Donohue.  Learn more about her here and be sure to watch to see if she wins […]

F.M. Painting »

In November 2017, the Hubbell Museum and Library received a new painting of Frederick Marion (F.M.) Hubbell.  It was donated by the great-great grandkids of F.M. – the Des Moines Hubbell family.  It is 35”x45” and a great addition to the Hubbell Museum and Library.  F.M. lived from 1839-1930, and this painting was created in […]

Two Genealogical Societies Merge »

December 30, 2017 Contact: Marjorie Hlava; President; Hubbell Society Museum and Library; 500 SW 7th St #307, Des Moines, IA 50309 The merger of the Hubbell Family Historical Society (THFHS) and the Hubbell Museum and Library (HML – formerly Hubbell Center) is complete!  The new organization is the Hubbell Society, Museum and Library (HSML) […]

Notice of the Additions and Corrections CD »

The Additions and Corrections CD for The Millennium Edition – 2016 Genealogy and History of the Hubbell Family – In Two Volumes is NEARLY COMPLETE. It will contain about 80 additional photos and the index in searchable digital form and of course lots of changes and updates. All of the corrections and additions must be […]

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